Uncle Dave’s Chili
While trying to recreate a blog, I searched out old sites.
They are STILL there!
So I’ve been spending time re-reading some of my old posts. Some are silly. Some are things I might never say or write now.
But I came across this one that I felt was worth sharing. It’s about my Uncle Dave who passed away a number of years ago, in January. Last year, his wife (my Aunt Chick) passed away. She would have love to read this story. I hope you enjoy it too.
To introduce you to what he was responding to, I had been running a Cookie Exchange of recipes on my old blog. People sent in recipes and I printed them each day. You can still read this post and others on that site here.
November 2001 – Uncle Dave’s Chili
No cookie recipes today but I heard from my (infamous) Uncle Dave and he’s treating us to a treasured recipe of his! Here’s what he wrote to me:

I thought after my first two little comments on Pollie’s that maybe I should send in one better one, so I’ll give my chili recipe, but there is a story to go with it.
You can put it in or not .
Just so everyone doesn’t think I’m a complete chauvinist pig, I’ll give up my years old chili recipe but you have to also hear the story around the recipe.
Many, many years ago, and for many , many years I travelled to a land far away to go fishing, (Thessalon) whilst my wife visited her Mommy.
For those two weeks a year I was a single man again and roamed the lakes and rivers for all types of fish.
On one particular search I was gone from daylight till dark. Of course I didn’t have a lunch made for me because I was supposed to be back by noon, but I found new roads to travel (I got lost).
As fortune would have it I ended up on 129 highway at Wharnecliffe. I headed for town,, but noticed a beat up old restaurant so I pulled in for a bite.
I asked the waitress what was good, she said “everything but the chili is to die for.”
Being a connoisseur of chili I ordered a bowl. This stuff was great, very subtle, but sneaked up on you half way through the bowl, then you caught fire. After the second bowl I asked the old lady If she would give up the recipe, “not a chance in hell, I have spent years perfecting this”, was the reply.
Now, anyone who knows me, also knows I’m a shit poor barterer, but I wasn’t leaving without this recipe. I asked her what it would take to give up the recipe, (because everyone has their price.)
After a little thought she asked me what I had caught today. Now this was by far my best day of fishing in years. I told her I had 6 specks, 4 bass, 4 perch, and a small pike. I was quite proud of my accomplishment.
She started to laugh, “If you give me your fish, all of them, I’ll give up the recipe.
When I walked into my mother-in-laws that night I took the usual shit and abuse for not catching any fish, you guys know lines. Only this night they didn’t bother me because I had made the deal of a lifetime.
My recipe has evolved over the years to reflect my changes in taste and my willingness to spend hours making it.
Now that I’ve put everyone to sleep, here it is.
Uncle Dave’s Chili
2 large cans red kidney beaans
2 large cans crushed tomatoes
1 large can tomato paste
2 pkgs, chili seasoning
1 lb. lean hamburg.
1 med. onion
5 celery stalks diced
1/2 lb. mushrooms- sliced
2 tblsp. oregano
1 tblsp. thyme
1 tblsp. basil
1-1/2 tblsp. garlic powder
chilli powder.
Brown hamburg. Sauté onion, celery, and mushrooms.
Combine ingredients in large pot. Simmer 2-4 hours
Add chilli powder to taste.
Thanks Uncle Dave! What a fantastic story! Not sure if it’s true or just another (ahem) fish story but it sure sounds good and so does the recipe. Let’s all make a pot for the holidays for when we’re tired of all those cookes!

I’d forgotten about this and now I need to save this chili recipe. I wonder whose recipe it was originally? I suspect it might have been Osborne’s? Any ideas?
Think you have a great chili recipe? Sure. Why not? Share it in the comments.
That was Linda Osborne, I’m sure. Sounds just like her! Ozzie’s was a great restaurant, and I still miss it.
I was thinking it might be her. How fun! I don’t think I ever tried this recipe–I had forgotten all about this post. I’ll have to try it at some point.
Recipe sounds very tasty. Will try it.
Let me know how it is!